As a participant of LET'S VISION 2025, your portrait and voice may be recorded.
If your portrait and voice and/or those of your minor dependents are recorded, they may be used for promotional purposes related to this event, such as in the form of images, audio, or video distributed through all online and offline channels and media. If we do not receive any objection from you, it will be considered that you agree to our use of your and/or your minor dependents' portrait and voice in the aforementioned promotional content. The authorization period is valid for 2 years from the date of first publication of the promotional content. After the expiration of the authorization period, the published content will not be deleted unless necessary. If you do not wish your and/or your minor dependents' portrait and voice to be used, or if you have objections to the authorization or its duration, or if you need to sign authorization documents, please contact the on-site staff for assistance.
Privacy Statement:
This event is organized by Shanghai Litong Exhibition Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we");
The information collected above is only used for purposes related to this event;
We will retain your personal information only for the time necessary to achieve the above purposes, and will delete or anonymize your personal information after the retention period;
We will take necessary technical measures to ensure the security of your information, preventing it from being leaked, or publicly disclosed or accessed without consent;
If you have any questions about the processing of your personal information (such as accessing, correcting, deleting personal information, etc.), you can directly contact the relevant staff for assistance.